11 signs of Emotional Abuse

1. Constant phone calls, text-messages, e-mails, IMs, etc. to check up on you (harrassment)
2. Extreme jealousy when you talk to or spend time with other people
3. Name-calling or putting you down, either when you're alone or with other people.
4. Behavior that you have to apologize or make excuses for.
5. Statements like, "I can't live without you. If you leave me, I'll kill myself."
6. You feel depressed, anxious, and unhappy in your relationship.
7. You're scared to upset or make your partner angry.
8. You've seen your partner hurt or talk down to other people.
9. You're down on yourself, or even hate yourself, especially when you're together.
10.You lie about the bruises or cuts you have.
11.You don't spend as much time with your friends, and you feel isolated.

Read more at Suite101: 4 Different Types of Abuse: How to Recognize Abusive Relationships

Know the signs, learn them and learn to love yourself. It is not worth it.



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