Promoting Healthy Relationships

When I utter the words “Domestic Violence” often others cringe. Believe or not, its a topic that people do not want to talk about. Women are too embarrassed and men are targeted. Then there are the stares. "Who does she think she is?" I know it is sensitive topic but I also know that no one is talking. I also know that silence is the epidemic of domestic violence. So, if my big mouth is going to help others or save a life than I will talk all day.

I know women are embarrassed because I talk to a few who have openly admitted it. We all know that these are not the type of the conversations that come up with our girls. Until I started this foundation, my girlfriends and I hardly every brought up the subject of domestic violence. Of course, we know plenty of women that were going through it, but it never was a big deal. For one, it was personal and two it is didn’t affect us. You know how grown folks say, “worry about your own front porch”. You were told to mind your business especially when issues like that arose. Which leaves me wondering, why can we throw dirt on other topics but when domestic violence comes up it is suddenly strange?

“How can we take an approach that does not demise men but make them more open to protect their daughters, friends and/or sisters. Believe or not this cannot just be a women’s issue. Majority of men are the abusers, however some are victims. We need their help. We need their voice. We need men’s voices because they have to teach their sons. We can Stop the Violence against Women, but how?


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